Thursday, January 28, 2021

Mexican white rice ( my version)

White Mexican Rice
 So time for a recipe for you guys. Know you like my sites and apps reviews and I will get back to that. But want to share one of my other passions with everyone. Cooking!
  In 2008 I married the love of my life. He is Mexican and in the beginning it was super hard he didn’t know barley any English and I didn’t know how to speak Spanish. Maybe a word or two and those two words wouldn’t help in a conversation lol. But we made it work and today he speaks almost perfect English with his accent of course. But he can also spell in English also. And my Spanish is still one or two words lol. But after 13 years I do understand it more then I can speak it. And well during these   13 years I have been trying to bring home to him as much as I can. Try to make food as authentic as I possibly can. This rice I don’t think is authentic by any means. It’s actually my reef Mexican rice changed a bit to make it white rice. 
  First of all is you need your rice of course. I use long grain rice. I get once cup and put it in a small wire strainer. Rinse the rice til it comes out clear. Got to clean out some of that starch. Then you need to soak the rice in warm water for ten minutes. This will help if become nice and fluffy when the it is finished. After the ten minutes is up I give it one last rinse and shake out as much water as I can. The dryer the rice the better for next step. In a pot have some oil at the bottom and add the rice. If it is still wet the rice will send up sticking to the pan so the dryer the better like I had mentioned. And yes I know it won’t be totally dry but just try to shake out the most water you can. 
Once the rice is in the pan you will fry the rice til it turns color. You can brown a bit but also you can do it before it turned brown and turns the off white color. This step will take a little while, at least 10-15 minutes maybe even 20. I learned the longer it is cooked at this point the better the end result will be. 
While your frying your rice you want to get 2-2 1/2 cups hot water. My stove runs hot so I have to use 2 1/2 cups of water and heat it in the microwave. Want it really hot to add chicken bouillon. For my red Mexican rice I use tomato- chicken bouillon powder. But for the white rice I just use the regular chicken bouillon. Along with garlic and onion powders. And salt all in the really hot water. Add it all into the rice carefully. Mix it then cover it and let it cook on low til all the water has evaporated and cooked into the rice. You will not mix it a lot and you don’t want to mix the middle. The more you mix the more your rice has a potential of coming out sticky and clumped. If you want nice fluffy rice only mix on the sides and just move in the middle a bit to ensure it’s not sticking to your pan. Once the water is gone make sure that your rice is done. If it’s not quit done you want to add a little more water and cook that til it’s gone  once it’s totally finished use a fork to mix and fluff your rice hoping your rice turns out as good as mine. You can add onion, peas, green onions.( just the green). The exact measurements below.  Thank you for reading enjoy. 🧑‍🍳🥘               
  1. 1 cup rice
  2. 1 1/2 teaspoons each of onion & garlic powders
  3. 1/2 tsp salt
  4. A heaping tsp of chicken bouillon, 1 cube
  5. 2 1/2 cups hot/boiling water 
  6. Small mesh strainer
Any questions feel free to ask. Good luck. Thank you 

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